No April Fools Here!

AthletaDesk has recently introduced video integration with Skype, Zoom, and FaceTime. Here’s how to get started:

Zoom is a popular video conferencing platform that you can use to teach 1:1 lessons and group lessons. First you’ll need to sign up with Zoom if you don’t already have an account. Then, add your Zoom Meeting URL to AthletaDesk under My Preferences.

Next, you’ll need to add lessons to your Calendar:

  • Navigate to the “Calendar” from the main menu on the left
  • Click the “Categories” button above the calendar
  • Select the “Locations” tab and click the “Add Location” button
  • Give your new location a name and choose an icon to represent this location
  • Choose the “Zoom Meeting” option
  • When scheduling a lesson, choose the appropriate location from the “Location” drop-down menu

FaceTime is an app used exclusively on Apple devices. To get started, you need to add the athlete’s FaceTime ID to their profile. Once you’ve recorded this, you can schedule your FaceTime lessons:

  • Navigate to the “Calendar” from the main menu on the left
  • Click the “Categories” button above the calendar
  • Select the “Locations” tab and click the “Add Location” button
  • Give your new location a name and choose an icon to represent this location
  • Choose the “FaceTime Lesson” option
  • When scheduling a lesson, choose the appropriate location from the “Location” drop-down menu

Skype is a popular free video conference app owned by Microsoft. To get started, you need to add the athlete’s Skype username to their profile. Once you’ve recorded this, you can schedule your Skype lessons:

  • Navigate to the “Calendar” from the main menu on the left
  • Click the “Categories” button above the calendar
  • Select the “Locations” tab and click the “Add Location” button
  • Give your new location a name and choose an icon to represent this location
  • Choose the “FaceTime Lesson” option
  • When scheduling a lesson, choose the appropriate location from the “Location” drop-down menu


Our other fixes & updates: 

  • To address a recent change Zoom made to enhance their security, we’ve changed the Zoom Personal Meeting ID field to a Zoom Meeting URL field under My Preferences. This change will allow you to use your Join URL or your Join URL with Embedded Password, depending on whether you have meeting passwords enabled in Zoom. If you already had your Personal Meeting ID saved, we automatically converted it to the new URL format, so no action is required on your part.
  • In the Athlete Portal, clicking the Make a Payment button now opens in the same tab. This means devices with a pop-up blocker enabled won’t have any issues when using this button.
  • We updated how long Upcoming Events are displayed on the Athlete Portal home page. They will now remain listed until the end of the lesson time, rather than disappear at the lesson’s start time.
  • New Email and Message History have been split into two separate pages to improve performance and navigation.
  • The Extra Recipients and Include Inactive buttons have been moved to the New Email toolbar.
  • We removed the character limit on the Skype username field.
  • Images can now be included in email message templates.
  • Fixed an issue in the new Athlete Portal calendar where the video icon always displayed for events with a location icon selected, regardless of what icon was actually selected by the instructor.
  • Updated Athlete Retention report so athletes who never took a single lesson are no longer included.

Did you know? You can schedule an email to send at a later time, and forward an email from your Message History? Read more about these and other recent email updates here!

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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