Faster! Faster!

To infinity… and beyond! We’re doing our best to make AthletaDesk faster and more efficient to serve your business’ needs, and we’ve implemented some optimizations to the Student List page to make it load faster. This will be most noticeable for larger businesses!  Some other optimizations are secret (read: boring), so shhh.

Other fun things:

  • For multi-teacher organizations, the Calendar can now display “Color by Teacher” to non-admin users who have access to everyone’s calendar.
  • Students can now cancel their attendance to business-wide events through the Student Portal.
  • Student lesson cancellation emails sent to teachers will now include the explanation text about make-up credits. Now everyone knows!

And some bug fixes too!

  • If you tried to add a new student to an existing family with only inactive students, an error would occur. This problem has been resolved.
  • The calendars for schools located in New Zealand now display Monday as the first day of the week again. We upgraded some internal systems and the upgraded software incorrectly assumed that Sunday was the first day of the week.
  • If you use an subdomain, we’ve fixed a browser warning that would occur if you included the “www” prefix on your hostname (
  • If you use automatic invoices with the stock invoice logo, we’ve resolved an issue that could cause the incorrect logo to appear.


Did you know? You can now individually toggle the following email notification from your “My Preferences” page.

Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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