Product Updates

Ping! You’ve got a notification!

Ping! Check your devices, you’ve got a notification from AthletaDesk! Between working on new software updates and playing leapfrog (still kidding!), things in the office have been busy as ever. Our development team is still working tirelessly to deliver some large-scale, exciting updates that will improve how AthletaDesk operates and …

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Cloudy with a Chance of Uploads!

Our development team are working their fingers to the bone writing code, testing functionality and playing leapfrog (just kidding with that last one!) We are undergoing renovations – literally in the office and figuratively in the way that AthletaDesk is organized. It’s a huge undertaking and that’s why our updates …

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Skip a Beat

If you manually invoice your business in bulk, we have a cool new feature for you! Bulk invoicing now has an option to skip invoices that would display $0 owing. Previously, this was only available if you were using the auto-invoicing feature. Now you can easily avoid creating invoices when nothing …

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Student Sign-Up Form 2.0!

As many of you know (because you were awesome beta-testers!), we recently introduced a new version of the Athlete Sign-Up or Registration form. The new widget features a number of usability improvements over the current form, including: More modern look and feel with colors that can be customized to match …

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Accessibility is Awesome!

Making sure more people can use AthletaDesk! We’ve made a few minor changes to the Athlete Portal to improve accessibility for the visually impaired. Some of the “Zoom” buttons now correctly tell screen readers what content they are associated with. If you’re located in the Netherlands, the PDF Payment Receipt …

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Important: Sort, Import, Port(al)

Here at AthletaDesk, we love being organized. We’re sure you do too! Our updates this week are all about optimizing your online organization! (See what I did there?) Online Resources: We’ve modified the Online Resources section in the Athlete Portal so that items are sorted by filename by default. This …

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A Little Light Update

Because we’re brewing BIG THINGS here at AthletaDesk! I know it’s not as exciting and glamorous as a new feature, but our development team is hard at work making big changes behind the scenes. We’re trying to make sure that the scenery doesn’t fall down! Everything will work much more …

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Super Late Secret Santa Update!

We’ve made some improvements and fixes over the last few weeks. We just didn’t tell you because it was the holidays and we were sure everyone was busy! Some website-related fixes and improvements: We’ve added YouTube to the list of Social Links that you can publish in the footer of …

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We Made Many Merry Mini Modifications!

We’ve made a few tweaks to the beta Sign-Up widget. The initial load should now be faster, and in the event that it is delayed for a few seconds, the loading progress dots will continue to display. We have also made the beta Sign-Up widget available en français. If you’d …

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Build a Safer, More Secure Website!

If you’re using a custom domain name with AthletaDesk and you don’t yet have a SSL certificate, it’s time to update your domain configuration (it’s easy and free). We’ll be sending an email to anyone who needs to update their domain configuration. If you’re already using AthletaDesk to host your website, you’re …

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Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or sports coach, AthletaDesk is the platform you need!


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