Notable November News

We can’t believe it’s November already! Daylight savings time just ended, and over at the AthletaDesk office, we gained an hour of sleep – and you’re gaining some fresh new updates! Check them out below:

Upgrades & enhancements: 

  • When attaching files to lesson notes from Online Resources, the checkboxes will no longer appear next to folders.
  • We’ve made some changes to Online Resources in the Athlete Portal so it will load faster.
  • Athlete attendee lists now appear correctly in the calendar details pop-up in the Athlete Portal.
  • We’ve upgraded how the system handles emailing invoices. Previously they would send one at a time and attempt Auto Pay with each invoice that had it enabled, which could cause it to time out if the payment processor took too long on a payment. With this new change, it should only take a few seconds to email all the invoices.
  • Now, if all athletes are absent for an event, the “Cancel Registration” button no longer appears in the Athlete Portal calendar pop-up.
  • We’ve limited the email template size to prevent messages from exceeding 128KB.
  • When registering for an open make-up lesson through the Athlete Portal, athletes will no longer be able to select “Register for ALL occurrences.”
  • We’ve improved some performance issues across the platform, particularly with Athlete Details and the beta attendance feature.

Our other fixes: 

  • We’ve fixed the scrolling issue in Safari on MacBooks (this was previously fixed on other iOS devices).
  • We fixed a bug that caused Contact Form web pages to crash if no Checkbox input option was chosen.
  • We fixed an issue where instructors/admins couldn’t disable the Blocked Dates feature for a primary event category.
  • We fixed an issue where email & SMS reminders couldn’t be added or edited for event categories.
  • We fixed an issue where attaching a file from Online Resources to lesson notes would result in that file’s permissions being overwritten to only the athlete(s) in the lesson.
  • We added a missing space to the Uploading File message.
  • We updated the message on the Account & Invoices page in the Athlete Portal to correct the grammar.
  • We fixed an issue where some users with stored “Amex” cards were unable to update their card information.
  • We fixed an issue with emailing group lesson notes that occurred when saving attendance for an individual athlete in a group lesson first, then writing the group notes.
  • We fixed an issue that would cause manually sent invoice emails and SMS reminders to not use the business’ currency symbol (it would default to $)
Please note: If you require technical assistance please contact our support team at

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